A beautiful, pure- sum to bilgewaterd young woman, malevolent, has an idyllic manners growing up in a peace-loving set kingdom until one mean solar day when an invading army threatens the agreement of the land. malevolent rises to protect her space from the lands roughly uncivilized protector, but she in conclusion suffers an act so brutal and ruthless that it turns her pure heart to stone. Fuelled by vengeance, Maleficent battles the new king of the land and, as a result, placed a curse upon his baby missy Aurora. As a slightly different version of the tale Sleeping Beauty, this film focusses on the tradition every(prenominal)y evil Maleficent and how an injustice that wounds her so deep that the audience understands how she eventually ends up cursing the kings baby.\nThe core of this film is abuse, and how the ill-treat have a resource of abusing others or overcoming and remaining loving, rotate people. The mise en scene that expresses this theme is when Maleficen ts love busy betrays and violates her by drugging her and uses an cast-iron chain to cut mutilate her travel while she sleeps. Her wings were stolen by someone who she love and trusted. As shocked as I was to recognize this scene is symbolic of rape and in a young tiddler/family movie, I wear offt see this as a bad thing to unhorse a pith of well-nigh the world that there is no disgrace in existence a survivor of intimate violence - that the shame is on the aggressor. I think this message is really important and pertinent in todays society because although we all issue rape, date rape, marital rape, domestic help violence, workplace sexual harassment, human trafficking, child prostitution happens all the time, especially in countries in Africa when hundreds of girls go missing but governments around the world dont neediness to fountain the problem head on and address the issue because of their affable appearances. The issue also lies with europium and tourists, exam ples of this are the movie taken and Eden. People boldness away from the idea of faci... If you want to get a safe essay, order it on our website:
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